
Brain Robot
a CT-Robotics System, integrated with an Augmented Reality System

The goal of the project is to develop and test a prototype system for the aid of some surgical operations on the brain. This system assists the surgeon and allows him greater confidence in the success of the operation.

The system consists of a robot mechanically connected to a portable CT scan, suitably adapted for the purpose, and is equipped with a robot positioning control system based on a SW capable of integrating the images coming from the CT scan and using them to plan the positioning. of surgical tools. In addition to what has been described, as an element to mitigate the risk of incorrect alignment of the robot with respect to the target identified during planning, there is also the presence of an augmented reality viewer that can be worn by the surgeon.

With this viewer it is possible to independently calculate the position and orientation towards the target and view to the surgeon – in see-through mode – the real operating field, superimposing the theoretical direction of the surgical tool, in order to understand if the robot, once positioned, actually aim at the required target.

Starting year: 2020
Project cost: Euro 43.470,00
Grant: Euro 19.561,50
CUP CIPE: D54E20003950009
CUP ST: 3553.04032020.158000063

Project co-financed under Tuscany POR FESR 2014-2020, azione 1.1.5 sub-azione a1 – Bando Unico R&S 2020 – Bando 2 “Progetti di ricerca e sviluppo delle MPMI”

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